Friday 27 March 2020

March 28 - Many Thanks to the Kellys

This morning I decided to go on a short walk to Pelican Point.  Along the way the birds were making an unbelievable racket. Birds are very plentiful in Australia and generally very loud, but today it was extreme.  I took this short video, while walking and you can hear the noise very clearly.  In real life it was twice as loud.

Noisy Birds On Pelican Point

During the Second World War, Pelican Point became an Australian Air Force base.  Here on this tiny peninsula, 107 Squadron was stationed.  They provided protection for convoys going north along the east coast. They were also responsible for search and rescue missions and in addition there was a 300 bed hospital included at this base.  Shortly after the conclusion of the war, the base disappeared and Pelican Point went back to its original state.

During the afternoon we went for another stroll through the woods to the north of the Kelly's home.  We saw some interesting flowers along the way.  There were multiple gazania or African violets.

As you know, if you were following this blog, we have been staying at Ellen & John Kelly's until our flight home.  They have been the best hosts one could ever hope for.  Each day is filled with laughter and new experiences.  We've been introduced to their friends and seen how the community pulls together during these troubled times.  John is merciless in "taking the mickey" out of both Marg and myself.

Ellen is a superb chief.  Her meals are the equal of anything we had on the cruise.  Marg has picked up several ideas and technics.

Australia is noted for its wines.  John & Ellen have been very generous in offering their best wines for dinner and pre dinner drinks.  Most of the good wines have come from the Barossa Valley, near Adelaide,  and the Hunter Valley, north of Sydney.  There hasn't been a bad wine among them.

This has been our last night with the Kellys and we will miss them dearly, but it is time to go home.

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