Monday 23 March 2020

March 24 - Light At End Of The Tunnel

Late last night we got our new and hopefully final flights home.  Our travel agent, Coleen Foster, woke up three hours early in Vancouver to get the flights booked for us.  I couldn't sleep, so it was I was able to monitor the progress in real time.  The stress is beginning to take its tole on me, so I can't imagine what it like for travel agents.

We will be flying home next Tuesday morning and arrive in Toronto late Tuesday afternoon.  Of course we'll be crossing over the International Date Line, so we gain a day in the trip.  The entire trip will take about thirty hours.

We'll be heading back to John & Ellen's for the duration of our time in Australia.  I guess you could call it the Home for Canadian Refugees. They are both gracious hosts, to arrange their lives around our misfortune.

Sydney and the New South Wales state is a complete mess because of the COVID-19 virus. Someone allowed passengers from the Ruby Princess to leave the ship and return to the general public. Their were about 100 of them who had the virus.  Today there are 800 confirmed cases in NSW. 

Restaurants and bars are closed. Tourism is non-existent.  Because people are not following social distancing they have closed the world famous Bondi Beach.  Also closed are churches, libraries, gyms and movie theaters. Weddings and funerals are not allowed indoors, except in small groups observing the 1 person per 4 sqm rule.

Professional sports have also been cancelled or suspended.

Schools are still open, but parents can opt to have their children to stay home.

Stores are empty of meat, canned goods and of course toilette paper.

All the affected workers are now applying for unemployment benefits, depleting the budget.

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