Sunday 23 February 2020

February 23 - Fiordland National Park

Last night Celebrity Solstice rounded the southern tip of New Zealand and headed up the west coast to Fiordland National Park.  The water was a bit rough, but not enough to disturb our sleep.  The temperature has remained cool but not as cold as predicted.

While in Fiordland National Park, our boat went down three different inlets or sounds.  First, we went down Dusky Sound.  The inlet was bordered by small volcanic mountains that rose directly from the water and had a thick forest growth.  

At the entrance we spotted some seals and further into the sound there were some dolphins.  

Next, we went down Doubtful Sound.  Here the mountains were a little bit bigger, but we didn’t see any wildlife.   The water is black because the fresh water lies on top of the ocean's salt water.  This fresh water contains all the minerals it has collected as it ran down the mountain.  Because of the weather the tops of the mountains were covered in a mist.

As we entered the last inlet, Milford Sound, the clouds parted, and the sun came out to display an awe-inspiring vista.  The mountains were huge, and it is with good reason they are called the New Zealand Alps.  

The channel was very narrow, and this added to the Impressive image.  There were multiple waterfalls that cascaded down the cliffs and glaciers on top of some of the mountains.  I think this might be one of top scenic areas that I have ever visited.  It is right up there with the Canadian Rockies and Glacier Alley at the southern tip of Chile.

During the afternoon, we were able to watch a hockey game between Toronto and Carolina.  I loved it because the Leafs lost.

The evening entertainment was a violinist by the name of Yoomia.  She played rock styled music and was enjoyable.
For dinner I had duck and Marg duck with french fries.   As usual, it was excellent.

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