Saturday 15 February 2020

February 15 - Arriving In Auckland New Zealand

Our stop over in Fiji has now ended.  We left Nadi International Airport and arrived in Auckland New Zealand this afternoon.  As with most trips, there is always a minor problem.  We left articles in the hotel.  I left my shaving kit with some of my medications, toothbrush, razor and other toiletries. Marg left the book she is reading.  Luckily for us Trudy and Jay are staying at a hotel very close to the hotel we stayed at and they have agreed to retrieve them for us.

Unfortunately for Trudy and Jay, when they tried to book into Fiji Airways to confirm their flights, the web site told them that they either didn’t have tickets or that they were on standby for the flight to Auckland on Sunday.  Eventually they were told that Fiji Airways web site was undergoing maintenance and that they could book in at the airport.  My goodness what a poor excuse or really bad system maintenance processes.

During the afternoon we went for a stroll in the downtown area.  It was a busy Saturday afternoon and the sidewalks were filled with shoppers and the bars were mostly full.  Apparently there are a lot of people in the downtown area this weekend for the Elton John concerts.

Every major city now seems to have a tower with a rotating restaurant.  For Valentines Day, Marg treated me to dinner in Auckland’s Orbit 360.  We had fantastic views of the city at night. The food was also great and the local wine was good but a bit acidic.

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